Politicoin Token Smart Contract Audit

Politicoin Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Politicoin: holding politicians accountable one meme at the time. This token smart contract is an ERC20 token named “Politicoin” with the symbol “POLI”. It inherits from the OpenZeppelin ERC20 contract and implements the standard ERC20 interface. Here’s a…

 Catch Coin Smart Contract Audit

Catch Coin Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The Solidity contract for “CATCHCOIN” implements the ERC20 standard.Here’s a breakdown of its key features and functionalities: ERC20 Implementation: The contract implements the ERC20 interface with standard functions such as totalSupply, balanceOf, transfer, allowance, approve, and transferFrom. Ownable:…

 BeCoin Smart Contract Audit

BeCoin Smart Contract Audit

Project Background BeCoin is a smart contract that follows ERC20 standard, which will make it compatible with all the platforms who support ERC20 standard. The contract is without any other custom functionality and without any ownership control, which makes it…

 Pulse Rich Smart Contract Audit

Pulse Rich Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Pulse Rich is a contract that can be divided into multiples, each with unique functionalities: PulseRich:This contract is utilized for mint NFTs, which can be paid with USDC, HEX, eHEX, PLSX, or PLS tokens. PulseRichPulseRewards:This contract is utilized…

 SecureChain AI (SCAI) – KYC Certificate

SecureChain AI (SCAI) – KYC Certificate

Project Background The SecureChain AI is an AI-powered blockchain for safety and speed empowering next generation decentralised applications. The SCAI coin, a native coin of the Secure Chain blockchain, serve as an utility coin to use the blockchain platform. The…

 Zexus Finance Smart Contract Audit

Zexus Finance Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Zexus is a decentralized Non-fungible Token(NFT) lending protocol. Utils: Utils contract for managing Zexus. Vault: Vault contract for storing NFTs. ZexusBorrower: This contract is designed to manage the actions of the borrower. ZexusCollateral: This contract is for managing…

 Secure Stash Token Smart Contract Audit

Secure Stash Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Secure Stash (SST) is a BEP-20 token on Binance Smart Chain, used as collateral for Collateralized Low Volatile Tokens (C.L.V.T.), a low-volatile token The Secure Stash contract inherits ERC20, Ownable, ReentrancyGuard standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library.…

 6OS Token Smart Contract Audit

6OS Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The token is without any other custom functionality and without any ownership control, which makes it truly decentralized. The 6OS token is a standard token smart contract having functions like transfer, approval, etc.   Executive Audit Summery According…

 Selfient Smart Contracts Audit

Selfient Smart Contracts Audit

Project Background Selfient is a contract that can be divided into multiples, each with unique functionalities: LinearAgreement: The Smart Employment Agreement is being implemented for linear agreements. MilestoneAgreement: The Smart Employment Agreement is being implemented for milestone agreements. MockUSDC: The…

 PitCoin Token Smart Contract Audit

PitCoin Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background PitCoin Token smart contract inherits ERC20 and Ownable standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library. These OpenZeppelin contracts are considered community audited and time tested, and hence are not part of the audit scope. The token follows ERC20…