OmniTensor Smart Contract Audit

Project Background

This Solidity code defines a smart contract named `OmniTensor`, which implements the ERC20 token standard with additional functionalities, including owner-based controls, token trading via Uniswap, and tax mechanisms. Here is an overview of its components:

Key Features:

  • ERC20 Token Basics:
    • The contract implements the standard ERC20 interface (`IERC20`), providing methods such as `balanceOf`, `transfer`, `approve`, and `transferFrom`.
    • The token is named “OmniTensor” (`OMNIT`) with 18 decimals and a total supply of 1 billion tokens.
  • Ownership Control: The `Ownable` contract provides functionality for managing ownership, including transferring ownership or renouncing it. The owner has exclusive rights to modify certain contract behavior.
  • Uniswap Integration:
    • The contract interacts with the Uniswap V2 protocol via `IUniswapV2Factory` and `IUniswapV2Router02` interfaces. It allows adding liquidity in ETH and enables token swaps through the DEX.
    • The `startTrading` function activates trading by creating a Uniswap pair and adding liquidity.
  • Taxation Mechanism:
    • A buy/sell fee (initially set to 30%) is applied to transactions involving Uniswap. The tax amount is deducted from transfers, except for addresses that are marked as excluded.
    • The contract collects the tax in tokens, which can later be swapped for ETH and distributed to various wallets (`OmegaWallet`, `GammaWallet`, `BetaWallet`, `AlphaWallet`).
  • Limits and Controls:
    • The contract enforces limits on transaction size (`maxTxValue`) and wallet holdings (`maxWalletHoldings`).
    • Trading can be paused and started by the owner. Additionally, the contract provides the ability to remove transaction and wallet limits.
  • Emergency Functions:
    • The owner can withdraw accumulated ETH or recover any remaining tokens in the contract.
    • Manual token swaps for ETH can also be triggered by the owner.

This contract is designed with a flexible fee structure, controlled trading features, and strong ownership functionality, making it well-suited for projects aiming to integrate liquidity and token swapping through Uniswap.


Executive Audit Summary

  • According to the standard audit assessment, the Customer`s solidity smart contracts are “Secured”.  Also, these contracts contain owner control, which does not make them fully decentralized.
  • We used various tools like Slither, Solhint and Remix IDE. At the same time this finding is based on critical analysis of the manual audit.
  • We found 3 low and 5 very low-level issues.
    We confirm that all the issues are acknowledged.

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