PlanetMoon Smart Contract Audit

PlanetMoon Smart Contract Audit

Project Background PlanetMoon is a staking contract on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain. The PlanetMoon Contracts handle multiple contracts, and all contracts have different functions. StakingPoolFactory: This contract is used for creating a staking pool. StakingPool: This contract has functions…

 LunaFi VLFI Token  Smart Contract Audit

LunaFi VLFI Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background LunaFi is a gaming  smart contract which has functions stake, unStake, updateFarm, updateBets, storeBets, ceil, etc LunaFi contract inherits the ERC20Upgradeable, AccessControlUpgradeable, SignatureChecker, draft-EIP712Upgradeable, draft-ERC20PermitUpgradeable, ERC20VotesUpgradeable, SafeERC20 standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library.  These OpenZeppelin contracts are…

 Dubai NFT Token Smart Contract Audit

Dubai NFT Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Dubai NFT Marketplaces are platforms where users can create, buy, sell and resell non-fungible tokens (NFTs). It is a cross-chain platform, such as NFT marketplaces, allowing users to choose different blockchains networks such as Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum,…

 DeadMemes Token Smart Contract Audit

DeadMemes Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background DeadMemes is a standard ERC20 token, having functions like approve, transferFrom, transfer, decreaseAllowance,  etc. Website: Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity based smart contracts are “Secured”. This token contract does not contain…

 Blue Social Token Smart Contract Audit

Blue Social Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Blue Social is a protocol having functionalities like Presale, Tokensale, Airdrop, etc.  The Blue Social contract inherits IERC20, MerkleProof, ERC20Upgradeable, ERC20BurnableUpgradeable, PausableUpgradeable, SafeERC20, OwnableUpgradeable, Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, ERC20VotesUpgradeable,  standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library.  These OpenZeppelin contracts are…

 Mida token Smart Contract Audit

Mida token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Mida Token is a NFT smart contract which has mint, bulkBurn, burn, enterMine, exitMine functionalities. There are 4 smart contracts, which were included in the audit scope. And there were some standard library code such as OpenZepelin, which…