Project Background
- Pulse Rich is a contract that can be divided into multiples, each with unique functionalities:
- PulseRich:This contract is utilized for mint NFTs, which can be paid with USDC, HEX, eHEX, PLSX, or PLS tokens.
- PulseRichPulseRewards:This contract is utilized for withdrawing rewards and registering a new Nft for rewards.
- There are 2 smart contracts, which were included in the audit scope.
- The Pulse Rich NFT contract inherits Strings, SafeERC20, IERC20, ReentrancyGuard standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library. An ERC721r contract inherited from the middlemarch contracts.These OpenZeppelin contracts and middlemarch contracts are considered community audited and time tested, and hence are not part of the audit scope.
- The token is without any other custom functionality and without any ownership control, which makes it truly decentralized.
Executive Audit Summary
- According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity smart contracts are “Secured”. This token contract does not have any ownership control, hence it is 100% decentralized.
- We used various tools like Slither, Solhint and Remix IDE. At the same time this finding is based on critical analysis of the manual audit.
- We found 0 critical, 0 high, 0 medium, 0 low and 4 very low level issues. All the issues have been fixed/acknowledged in the revised smart contract code.
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