Project Background
- This Solidity contract implements a standard ERC20 token with additional functionality for a crowdsale. Let’s break it down:
- ERC20Basic:
- Interface defining essential ERC20 functions: `totalSupply()`, `balanceOf()`, and `transfer()`.
- It emits a `Transfer` event upon successful token transfer.
- SafeMath Library:
- A library providing arithmetic functions with safety checks to prevent overflow and underflow.
- BasicToken:
- Inherits from ERC20Basic and uses SafeMath library.
- Implements the `totalSupply()` and `balanceOf()` functions.
- Implements the `transfer()` function with safety checks for valid addresses and sufficient balance.
- The total supply is initialized to a fixed value of 45,467,000 QNT tokens.
- ERC20 Interface:
- An interface extending ERC20Basic with additional functions: `allowance()`, `transferFrom()`, and `approve()`.
- It emits an `Approval` event upon successful approval.
- StandardToken:
- Inherits from ERC20 and BasicToken.
- Implements additional functionalities such as `approve()`, `allowance()`, `transferFrom()`, `increaseApproval()`, and `decreaseApproval()`.
- Defines constants for token name, symbol, and decimals.
- Defines a `crowdsale` address and a modifier `onlyCrowdsale` to restrict certain functions to the crowdsale contract.
- Implements a `mint()` function that allows the crowdsale contract to mint tokens to specific addresses.
- Overrides the `transferFrom()` function with additional safety checks for valid addresses, sufficient balance, and allowance.
- Implements the `approve()` function to allow the spender to spend the specified amount on behalf of the owner.
- Implements `increaseApproval()` and `decreaseApproval()` functions to atomically increase or decrease the allowance.
- Overall, this contract provides a standard ERC20 token functionality with additional features such as minting and allowance manipulation, along with safety checks to prevent common vulnerabilities like overflow and underflow.
Executive Audit Summary
- According to the standard audit assessment, the Customer`s solidity smart contracts are “Secured”. This token contract does not have any ownership control, hence it is 100% decentralized.
- We used various tools like Slither, Solhint and Remix IDE. At the same time this finding is based on critical analysis of the manual audit.
- We found 0 critical, 0 high, 0 medium, 0 low and 7 very low-level issues.
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