Athame Finance is a DAAS or DeFi As A Service protocol running on the Avalanche Network. DAAS is defined as paying someone else to invest your capital. Through governance we invest your capital in various DeFi protocols, tokens, coins and NFT’s across multiple blockchains.
Athame Finance Governance is the heart and brain of the Athame Protocol.
Anyone can be part of the Athame Governance Process, and anyone with ATHF voting power can vote on proposals. Governance makes decisions about new features and directions of where the Athame Protocol should go. Governance is the ultimate decision body for the Athame Protocol; no one can override vote results.
The Athame Finance contract inherits the ERC20, Ownable, SafeMath, SafeERC20, Pausable, ERC20Burnable, AccessControl standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library.
These OpenZeppelin contracts are considered community-audited and time-tested, and hence are not part of the audit scope.
Executive Audit Summery
According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity smart contracts are “ Secured”. Also, these contracts do contain owner control, which does not make them fully decentralized.
We used various tools like Slither, Solhint and Remix IDE. At the same time this finding is based on critical analysis of the manual audit.
We found 2 critical, 1 high, 0 medium and 1 low and some very low level issues.
These issues are fixed / acknowledged in the revised code.