Amplify Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Amplify Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The Amplify Contracts have functions like createVaultToken, addLiquidity, reinvest, redeem, mint, sync, skim, borrow, createCollateral, canBorrow, deployCollateral, etc.  Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity based smart contracts are “Secured”. This token contract does…

 Vectous Smart Contract Audit

Vectous Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Vectous is a standard ERC20 token smart contract. This audit only considers Vectous token smart contracts, and does not cover any other smart contracts on the platform. Vectous Contracts have functions like NewEntry, EntryAction, CollectEntryProfit, collectLendReturn, lendOnDeposit, withdrawLoanedFunds,…

 BitDrive Protocol  Smart Contract Audit

BitDrive Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The BitDrive Contracts have functions like ownerMint, _baseURI, initialize, estimategetAmountOut, bitdriveSettings, biswapSettings, pancakeSettings, changesiteFee, changeAdmin, walletOfOwner, implementation, etc. The BitDrive contract inherits the ERC1967Proxy, TransparentUpgradeableProxy, ProxyAdmin, UUPSUpgradeable standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library. We found 0 critical,…

 Libra Finance Smart Contract Audit

Libra Finance Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The Libra Finance Contracts have functions like stake, withdraw, earned, setTaxTiersRate, mint, burn, setPeriod, setEpoch, twap, safeLibraTransfer, etc. The Libra Finance contract inherits the IERC20, SafeERC20, Math, ReentrancyGuard, Ownable, SafeMath, ERC20Burnable, ERC20 standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin…

 LibraX Finance Smart Contract Audit

LibraX Finance Smart Contract Audit

Project Background LibraX is an automated market-making (AMM) decentralized exchange (DEX) for the Astar network. LibraX Finance smart Contract has functions like mint, transfer, permit, createPair, setFeeToSetter, setFeeTo, burn, swap, skim, getBlockHash, etc. Executive Audit Summery According to the standard…