MVHQ Token Smart Contract Audit

MVHQ Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The MVHQ is a NFT token smart contract which uses an upgradeable proxy contract, which means the MVHQ contract can be changed after the mainnet deployment. The MVHQ  contract inherits the Initializable, AccessControlUpgradeable, StringsUpgradeable, ERC1155, IERC1155Receiver standard smart…

 Ansca Protocol  Smart Contract Audit

Ansca Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Ansca Protocol is Safe, Autonomous and Decentralized Peer-to-Peer DeFi Protocols. The Ansca contract inherits the IERC20, Strings, IERC721, ERC721Holder, IERC1155, ERC1155Holder, IERC165 standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library.  These OpenZeppelin contracts are considered community-audited and time-tested, and…

 VatCap Coin  Smart Contract Audit

VatCap Coin Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The VatCap Coin contract is a BEP20 standard smart contract with dividend distribution. It has functions like approveMax, setMaxWalletPercent, setTxLimit, basicTransfer,  etc. Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity smart contracts are “ Secured”.…

 AGS Finance Protocol Smart Contract Audit

AGS Finance Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The AGS Finance Contracts have functions like safeAgsTransfer, delegateBySig, getPriorVotes, withdrawAll, harvest, setTreasury, safeAgsTransfer, emergencyWithdraw, leaveStaking, createPair, allPairsLength, getAmountsOut, quote,  etc. Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity smart contracts are “ Secured”. Also,…

 GaiaStarter Protocol Smart Contract Audit

GaiaStarter Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The GaiaStarter Contracts have functions like Stake, UnStake, Claim, WithDraw, fund, poolLength, add, set, deposited, pending, totalPending, deposit, burn, mint, AirDrop, snapshot, release, pending, deposited, etc. The GaiaStarter Contracts inherit the ERC20, IERC721, Ownable, SafeERC20, SafeMath, ERC20Burnable, ERC20Snapshot,…

 Backters Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Backters Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The BKD777 is the standard ERC777 token whose mint and burn are controlled by redemptionController. USDBK777 Contract  is a smart contract, having functions like destroy, send, burn, batchTransfer, globalOperators, authorizeGlobalOperator, etc.  The USDBK777  contract inherits the IERC20, ERC777,…