Circular Gifting Smart Contract Audit

Circular Gifting Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The Circular Gifting protocol covers multiple contracts, and all contracts have different functions. EQUIIUSQ: This contract is used for governance. Omega: This contract is used for governance. Alpha: This contract is used for stable-coin. EQUIIUSE: This contract is…

 OXYO2 (KRPZA)  Smart Contract Audit

OXYO2 (KRPZA) Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The OXYO2 protocol covers multiple contracts, and all contracts have different functions. Defi: It is used for updating dest token addresses. OxyO2airdrop: It is used for airdrops. OxyO2CommunityAndTeam: It is used for updating core member addresses and reward…

 MoonLock Smart Contract Audit

MoonLock Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The MoonLock Contracts handle multiple contracts, and all contracts have different functions. MoonLock: It handles proposals, votes, and updates social data. MoonLockFactory: It handles updating membership management and withdrawing funds functionality. MoonLock is a voting smart contract that…

 PAAWDNAH Smart Contract Audit

PAAWDNAH Smart Contract Audit

Project Background PAAWDNAH is a smart contract having functions like pause, unpause, withdraw, deposit, revertState,  etc. .  PAAWDNAH  contract inherits the AccessControlUpgradeable, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable, SafeMathUpgradeable, IERC20Upgradeable, PausableUpgradeable, Initializable standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library.  These OpenZeppelin contracts are considered community-audited…

 WARRIOR Token  Smart Contract Audit

WARRIOR Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background WARRIOR (WOR) is an ERC20 standard token contract on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain. The smart contracts have functions like withdrawing ether, transferring ownership, and increasing and decreasing allowance. Website: Executive Audit Summery According to the standard…