20Lab Smart Contract Audit

Project Background

  • The 20Lab token contract defines a comprehensive ERC20 token with additional functionalities such as burning, ownership control, fee management, dividend tracking, and liquidity management. Here’s an in-depth breakdown of the contract’s key components and functionalities:
  • Here’s a brief overview of the key components and functionalities of the provided code:
    • Token.sol(20lab-v1.9.0-1): This contract is designed for a comprehensive token ecosystem with mechanisms for fee management, liquidity provision, and dividend distribution, making it suitable for use cases that require complex tokenomics and user interactions.
    • Token.sol(20lab-v1.9.0-2): This contract is designed for a comprehensive token management system with advanced features like dynamic fee management, liquidity provision, and dividend distribution. It includes robust mechanisms for handling various operational aspects, ensuring security and flexibility for the token holders and the contract owner.


Executive Audit Summary

  • According to the standard audit assessment, the Customer`s solidity smart contracts are “Secured”.  Also, these contracts contain owner control, which does not make them fully decentralized.
  • We used various tools like Slither, Solhint and Remix IDE. At the same time this finding is based on critical analysis of the manual audit.
  • We found 0 critical, 0 high, 0 medium,  0 low and 2 very low-level issues.

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