FLOKI Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background

  • This Solidity contract is for the FLOKI token, which has various functionalities including governance, tax handling, and treasury operations. Let’s break down some of the key components:
    • State Variables: The contract contains several mappings to track balances, allowances, delegates for governance, nonces for vote delegation, and balance checkpoints for voting.
    • Events: Two events are defined (`TaxHandlerChanged` and `TreasuryHandlerChanged`) to emit when the tax handler or treasury handler contracts are changed.
    • Constructor: Initializes the token with a name, symbol, initial tax handler address, and initial treasury handler address. It also assigns the total supply of tokens to the contract creator.
    • ERC20 Implementation: Implements the ERC20 standard functions such as `name`, `symbol`, `decimals`, `totalSupply`, `balanceOf`, `transfer`, `transferFrom`, `approve`, `allowance`, `increaseAllowance`, and `decreaseAllowance`.
    • Delegation: Allows token holders to delegate their voting power to other addresses.
    • Vote Checkpoints: Utilizes a checkpoint mechanism to track the voting power of token holders at different block numbers.
    • Tax and Treasury Handling: The `_transfer` function handles token transfers by applying taxes and sending the taxed amount to the treasury. It calls functions from the tax handler and treasury handler contracts to determine the tax amount and perform treasury operations.
    • Owner Functions: Includes functions (`setTaxHandler` and `setTreasuryHandler`) for the owner to set new tax handler and treasury handler contracts.
  • Overall, this contract provides a comprehensive framework for managing the FLOKI token, incorporating governance, taxation, and treasury functionalities.

Website: floki.com

Executive Audit Summary

  • According to the standard audit assessment, the Customer`s solidity smart contracts are “Secured”.  Also, these contracts contain owner control, which does not make them fully decentralized.
  • We used various tools like Slither, Solhint and Remix IDE. At the same time this finding is based on critical analysis of the manual audit.
  • We found 0 critical, 0 high, 0 medium, 0 low and 4 very low-level issues.

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