Wrapped Ton Coin Smart Contract Audit

Project Background

  • TON is a decentralized and open network, created by the community using a technology designed by Telegram.
  • This Solidity code defines a bridge contract that facilitates the transfer of tokens between the Ethereum and TON (Telegram Open Network) networks. Let’s break down the key components and functionalities of the contract:
  • Here’s a brief overview of the key components and functionalities of the provided code:
    • Interfaces: The TonUtils interface defines structs for TON addresses and transactions, as well as a struct for signature data. The IERC20 interface defines the standard ERC20 token functions.
    • ERC20 Token: The ERC20 contract implements the standard ERC20 token functionality with functions for transferring tokens, managing allowances, and emitting events.
    • Bridge Interface: The BridgeInterface interface extends TonUtils and declares functions for voting on various actions such as minting tokens, updating the set of oracles, and switching burn status.
    • Signature Checker: The SignatureChecker contract provides functions for verifying ECDSA signatures and generating unique IDs for different types of actions.
    • Wrapped TON: The WrappedTON contract extends ERC20 and TonUtils, adding additional functionalities for minting and burning tokens, specifically for interactions with the TON network.
    • Bridge: The Bridge contract inherits from SignatureChecker and WrappedTON, implementing the bridge functionality. It maintains a set of oracles, allows for voting on different actions, and executes the actions based on the received votes.
  • The contract is without any other custom functionality and without any ownership control, which makes it truly decentralized.
  • Overall, the code aims to provide a decentralized bridge between Ethereum and TON networks, allowing for token swaps and governance through a voting mechanism involving a set of oracles.

Website: ton.org

Executive Audit Summary

  • According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity smart contracts are “Secured”. This token contract does not have any ownership control, hence it is 100% decentralized.  
  • We used various tools like Slither, Solhint and Remix IDE. At the same time this finding is based on critical analysis of the manual audit.
  • We found 0 critical, 0 high, 0 medium,  2 low and 3 very low level issues.

Audit Report in PDF


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