WP Smart Contracts Audit

Project Background

  • WP Smart Contracts is a contract that can be divided into multiples, each with unique functionalities:
    • Bubblegum: BubblegumCrowdsale is an extension of Crowdsale where tokens are held by a wallet, which approves an allowance for the crowdsale.
    • Tiramisu: Tiramisu is a whitelisted airdrop that allows recipients to receive a fixed amount at once.
    • Guava: Guava is an airdrop system that allows any recipient to receive a fixed amount.
    • Coconut: The smart contract is designed for secure storage and management of native coins, ERC-20 tokens, ERC-721 NFTs, and ERC-1155 NFTs, offering deposit, withdrawal, and emergency account management features.
  • WP Smart Contracts are a set of blockchain networks including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, and Fantom.


Executive Audit Summary

  • According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity smart contracts are “Secured”. This token contract does contain owner control, which does not make it fully decentralized.
  • We used various tools like Slither, Solhint and Remix IDE. At the same time this finding is based on critical analysis of the manual audit.
  • We found 0 critical, 0 high, 0 medium and 0 low and 2 very low level issues.
    We confirm that all issues are fixed in the revised smart contract code.

Audit Report in PDF


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