USDM Token Smart Contract Audit

USDM Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background USDM token is a stable token which can be minted, burned through the minters added by the owner. Website: , Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity based smart contracts are “Secured”.…

 WP Smart Contracts Protocol Audit

WP Smart Contracts Protocol Audit

Project Background The WP Smart Contracts provides the smart contract solutions to the wordpress users. They develop various WP plugins which lets WP websites use the smart contract deployment quickly. We audited their Azuki(ERC1155) and Ikasumi(ERC1155), YuzuFlattened(ERC1155)  smart contracts. Website:…

 SleeFi Protocol Smart Contract Audit

SleeFi Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Project Background SleeFi protocol is using SLGT as a governance token, SLFT as a utility token and vesting protocol is for VCs. SleeFi contract inherits the OwnableUpgradeable, SafeERC20Upgradeable, IERC20Upgradeable, ERC20Upgradeable, Initializable, ERC20BurnableUpgradeable standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library. These…

 Crescent DAO Smart Contract Audit

Crescent DAO Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Crescent DAO is a DeFi project which has functions like mint, swap, OpenTrade, burn, twap, spot, update, info, transfer, set pool, claimable, zap, addLiquidity, cleanDust, etc.  The Crescent DAO contract inherits the IERC721, ERC20, SafeERC20, Ownable, ReentrancyGuard, Address,…

 CGI Token Smart Contract Audit

CGI Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The CGI Token is an ERC1155 token which has functionalities like minting, burning, pause/unpause, blacklist addresses, and bridge using messageProxy.  The CGI Token contract inherits the ERC1155PresetMinterPauser, ERC1155Supply, Strings, ERC1155Holder, ERC2981 standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library. …