Boobanker Token Smart Contract Audit

Boobanker Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Summery BooBanker has arrived to reanimate the hopeful spirit of de-fi enthusiasts. BooBanker (not an actual bank) we believe in creating high-yield tokenomic games that serve in creating value through yield-farming tokens. $BOOB and $ECTO gamification tokens are used…

 XDriveToken Token  Smart Contract Audit

XDriveToken Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Xdrive Token is ethereum based ERC20 token with the customization like token buying/selling, dividends, referrals, etc. Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity smart contract is well secured. We used various tools like Slither,…

 NFTMeme  Token  Smart Contract Audit

NFTMeme Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background NFTMeme Platform where meme creators will submit memes and get paid by users in CateCoin, Whole system will be decentralised. Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity smart contracts are “Secured”. These contracts also…