VOY Finance Smart Contract Audit

VOY Finance Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Voy Finance Contract is a Pooling DeFi to trade digitalisation and ESG smart contract, having functions like mint, burn, stake, unStake, deposit, migrate, pause, unpause, claim, withdraw, withdrawAll, etc. The Voy Finance contract inherits Ownable, ERC20, IERC20, SafeERC20,…

 MyChance Smart Contract Audit

MyChance Smart Contract Audit

Project Background MyChance is a Lottery protocol which uses priceBonds as an NFT smart contract, having functions like safeMint, safeBurn, pause, unpause, grantRole, revokeRole, renounceRole, supportsInterface, startMigration, migrateMyself, etc. Users can acquire Prize Bonds (which are NFTs) by paying in…

 IronVest Smart Contract Audit

IronVest Smart Contract Audit

Project Background IronVest Token Contract is smart contract, having functions like claim, claimable, initialize, addCliffVesting, addVesting, emergencyWithdraw, etc. The IronVest Token contract inherits IERC20Upgradeable, AccessControlUpgradeable, SafeERC20Upgradeable, Initializable, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library. These OpenZeppelin contracts are considered…

 MainnetZ Chain Smart Contract Audit

MainnetZ Chain Smart Contract Audit

Project Background MainnetZ’s vision is to empower the use and creation of decentralized applications (Dapps) and to not only be the leading edge communal blockchain, but to also focus on the revelations of developers releasing innovative projects with high potential.…

 Optitude Finance Token Smart Contract Audit

Optitude Finance Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Optitude Finance is a revolutionary and user-friendly yield aggregator built for optimism. Optitude Finance Token is an Erc20 Token having functionalities like token vesting, delegate, delegates, etc. Website: https://www.optitude.finance Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment,…

 Hyperon Chain Smart Contract Audit

Hyperon Chain Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The audit scope consists of system smart contracts of the hyperon chain. The system smart contracts contribute heavily to the consensus mechanism. The system smart contracts performs actions such as Validations, system staking, punishments, etc. Website: https://hyperonchain.com Executive…

 Koubek Token Smart Contract Audit

Koubek Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Koubek token is a standard BEP20 token smart contract. This audit only considers Koubek token smart contracts, and does not cover any other smart contracts on the platform. Website: https://koubektoken.com Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit…