Frontline DAO Smart Contract Audit

Frontline DAO Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Frontline DAO Protocol is a Defi Program which has functions like mint, swap, OpenTrade, burn, twap, spot, update, mock, info, transfer, set pool, claimable, zap, addLiquidity, cleanDust, etc. The Frontline DAO contract inherits the ERC20, SafeERC20, Ownable, ReentrancyGuard,…

 Waifu Smart Contract Audit

Waifu Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Waifu Protocol is a metaverse protocol using ERC1155 NFT tokens which has functions like initialize, mint, burn, grantRole, withdraw, hasRole, shares, release, payee, receive, pause, unpause, revokeRole, grantRole, etc. The Waifu contract inherits the SafeERC20Upgradeable, AccessControlEnumerableUpgradeable, IERC20Upgradeable, PausableUpgradeable,…

 HotDogs Smart Contract Audit

HotDogs Smart Contract Audit

Project Background HotDogs is a multi-contract BNB miner in which users can deposit BNB in return for daily rewards. The HotDogs contract inherits the LinkTokenInterface, VRFCoordinatorV2Interface, VRFConsumerBaseV2standard smart contracts from the chain link library. These chainlink contracts are considered community-audited…

 NANXA Token Smart Contract Audit

NANXA Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background NANXA coin is a standard BEP20 token smart contract. This audit only considers NANXA coin token smart contracts, and does not cover any other smart contracts on the platform. Website: Executive Audit Summery According to the standard…

 LiveCGI MarketPlace Smart Contract Audit

LiveCGI MarketPlace Smart Contract Audit

Project Background LiveCGI MarketPlace is a smart contract which has functions like initialize, cancel, transfer, simpleMatch, validate, transfer, subFee, subFeeInBp, etc. The LiveCGI MarketPlace contract inherits the Initializable, OwnableUpgradeable, AddressUpgradeable, ContextUpgradeable, draft-EIP712Upgradeable, IERC20Upgradeable, IERC721Upgradeable, IERC1155Upgradeable, IERC2981. standard smart contracts from…

 Zeni Token Smart Contract Audit

Zeni Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The Edoverse ecosystem is to be developed using both Zeni, which was commonly distributed during the Edo period, and Koban, which was a high-class currency. Zeni is mainly used for settlement for general purchasing activities in Edoverse. The…

 AEXC Smart Contract Audit

AEXC Smart Contract Audit

Project Background AEXC is an ERC20 token contract which has functionalities like the owner can mint, burn anyone’s tokens after getting approval from all the 3 admins, the owner can add multiple admins, etc. AEXC contract inherits the ERC20, ERC20Burnable,…

 Edov NFT Smart Contract Audit

Edov NFT Smart Contract Audit

Project Background Edov NFT is an NFT marketplace smart contract in which users can list/unlist their NFT, buy NFT by giving ERC20 tokens, etc. Edov NFT contract inherits IERC721, IERC721Receiver, IERC20, SafeMath, OwnableUpgradeable, Initializable standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin…