USDBK777 Token Smart Contract Audit

USDBK777 Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background USDBK777 Contract  is a smart contract, having functions like operatorBatchTransfer, operatorBatchMint, isOperatorFor, operatorBatchBurn, mint, send, transfer, burn,  destroy, addDefaultOperator, etc. The USDBK777  contract inherits the IERC20, ERC777, SafeMath standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin library. These OpenZeppelin contracts…

 Carbon XYZ Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Carbon XYZ Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The Carbon XYZ Contracts have functions like mint, burn, burnNFT, setStakingPool, mintNewNFT, setMembershipTrader, withdrawGEMS, etc. The Carbon XYZ contract inherits the AccessControl, ERC721, ERC721URIStorage, Counters, Strings, IERC20, Address,  Pausable, SafeMath, ReentrancyGuard, Ownable standard smart contracts from the OpenZeppelin…

 Yumi-Swap Smart Contract Audit

Yumi-Swap Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The Yumi-Swap Contracts have functions like add and set pool, withdraw, deposit, addPair, setPair, reward, mint, burn, swap, enter, leave, getPriorVotes, getChainId, etc.  Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity based smart contracts are…

 Airdrop Claim Smart Contract Audit

Airdrop Claim Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The Airdrop Claim Contracts have functions like recoverERC20, claim, delistBulk, delistOne, listBulk, etc. Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity based smart contracts are “Secured”. This token contract does not contain owner control, which…

 FAMPIT Token Smart Contract Audit

FAMPIT Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The FAMPIT is a NFT (ERC721A standard) smart Contract, which has functions like isWhitelisted, addNewWhitelistUsers, tokenURI, numberMinted, withdrawMoney, mint, etc.  Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity based smart contracts are “Secured”. This token…

 Cork Token Smart Contract Audit

Cork Token Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The Cork Token Contracts have functions like mint, burn, airdropTo, isBlacklisted, setBlacklisted, Blacklist, initialize, bailOutMint, claim, swap, skim, sync, _mintFee, etc. The Cork Token contract inherits the ERC20, Ownable, SafeMath, ERC1155Upgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable, SafeMathUpgradeable standard smart contracts from…

 Scrub Finance Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Scrub Finance Protocol Smart Contract Audit

Project Background The Scrub-Finance Contracts have functions like burn, mint, stake, setTaxTiersRate, setTaxTiersTwapenableAutoCalculateTax, setBurnTax, buyBonds, setOraclesetLockUp, withdraw,claimReward, setScrub, setBearOracle, setEpoch, twap, OpenTrade, exit, claimReward, etc. The Scrub-Finance contract inherits the SafeMath, ERC20Burnable, Math, SafeERC20, Address, IERC20, Ownable standard smart contracts…