Project Background Mad Viking Games platform which creates demand for the MVG token. MVG is the native token for the Mad Viking Games metaverse. MVG is a blockchain gaming company founded in 2021. The project leaders are a group of…
Project Background The Deflationary is a DEF token smart contract in Binance Smart Chain. DEF is the native utility token for the DEFswap Finance platform. DEF is a true deflationary token with a use case and a goal of creating…
Project Background Spoon is a decentralized exchange platform derived from Andre Cronje’s initial concept of a perpetual decentralized exchange. Spoon is built on Core Chain that offers low-cost token exchanges and reduced swap fees, using a governance model called the…
Project Background Enoch Metanomics ensures a fluid ecosystem of dual coin utility across the platform. A platform made to empower creative minds and 3D artists. Become the best and earn money on Enoch. The Enoch contract inherits the ERC20, ERC1967Proxy,…
Project Background The BNI token smart contract is an ecosystem token in various blockchain networks like BSC, Arbitrum, Bitindi mainnet. The token is without any other custom functionality and without any ownership control, which makes it truly decentralized. This token…
Project Background Catcoin Contract is an ERC20 reflection token. This Contract uses uniswap. Catcoin Contracts have functions like swapAndLiquify, removeStuckToken, addLiquidity, withdrawStuckETH, receive, etc. Website: Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity smart contracts are…
Project Background The Vention token (VNT) will run the marketplace and NFT creation platform that are part of the Vention ecosystem. In the Vention ecosystem, Vention tokens are required as payment for using the ecosystem’s services. The system smart…
Project Background ArcherSwap Hunter Token is a crypto world for users to trade, earn. It will be run on Core Chain with features including AMM. Website: Executive Audit Summery According to the standard audit assessment, Customer`s solidity smart contracts…
Project Background AKIMME is a metaverse on the Ethereum blockchain that aims to create a new and exciting business frontier for progressive thinkers. The metaverse has matured into a prolific technological breakthrough that may power several commercial prospects with a…
Project Background The Dogcoin is a meme token smart contract in Binance Smart Chai, following BEP20 token standard. In addition to improving efficiency and cost-effectiveness, the Dogcoin Platform enables comprehensive empowerment in terms of promotion, traffic, and resources. Dogcoin also…